Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Many Faces of Sherri

My Extra Skin

You may have noticed that my blog entries are slowly going down to one or two a month...
That's because I am super busy and with school starting up soon, I don't know how well I am going to balance it. Eventually, I will be right back into the daily grind so I can look good for my future husbands at the college.... LOL!!!
But anywayz...
The reason I am writing this blog is to reenact an encounter I had with a co-worker. It went a little like this...
Co-worker: You look good!! How much weight have you lost?
Me: About 77 pounds
Co-worker: Wow!! 77 pounds!! I don't want to be mean asking this but, where did all your extra skin go?



Yeah, I walked away from that one.
  • First of all, do not confuse me with one of the lost souls from the TLC show, "My 600 Pound Life".
  • I did not get any surgical procedures that include snipping, clipping, removing, stapling, burning, tucking, or drainage tubes!!
  • Do I look like the Pillsbury Dough Boy?! My stomach doesn't roll out like a freaking pizza crust...
  • I literally worked my ass off everyday to get to where I am at. I didn't lay down and eat gravy and cream corn until I disappeared. Hard fucking work and dedication will always work!! You just have to convince yourself first. I am not God, so what makes me any different than you?
  • If you have to add a forewarning to a question, you intentions were to piss me off. Don't go there with me because you work with me almost everyday. I will destroy you...
While I am down here on a whole new level, I would like to include that I am no longer excepting diet tips... I am open to all exercise tips for toning but as far as dieting advice goes...
Not to be mean, but I am ignoring it...

Back to the positive side now...
Yesterday was the first day I did a run/walk through the Courthouse. Yes people, I ran and it was amazing. (And no, I was not being chased by anything)

I guess it is time for a new Blogger Book because all the pages are dried together now :((

Thursday, July 12, 2012

My Weight Loss is....

While I was at work staring at an entire display of Hormel chili, I decided to come up with this slightly entertaining and informative blog...
Please enjoy this because I left my mouse at home and this took FOREVER to do....

My current weight loss is....


Now with my amazing abilities to think WWWAAAAYYY outside of the box, I'm going to compare this with a few things...

My weight loss is equivalent to...

This Child

My weight loss is about the same as...

9.5 Gallons of Water

I have lost...

 7 Dell Diamond Black 17.3" Inspiron N7110 Laptop PC with Intel Core i3-2350M Processor and Windows 7 Home Premium with Windows 8 Pro Upgrade Option. Now available at with prices starting at $528.97.

I have lost enough weight to equal...

81 Cans of Hormel Turkey Chili with No Beans

...and since I am a fan of my paint program now...
I have lost...

101 Cans of Soda/Beer

And for my Grand Finale'
My total weight loss is the same as...

152 Double Quarter Pounders

...and let me tell you...


Pet-Peeves from the Gym Part 1

(The library is unusually LOUD today)

I know I have talked about some things that irritate me at the gym.
Well, this is an update...

The Door

I could write a book about this door. This is no normal door, this is the door to the ladies locker room.
Let me explain why this annoys me in two scenarios.

Scenario 1
If I open the door, usually I am opening it for me. If I open this door and you try to slide by me, I will push you right back out of it. Here at the gym, it seems people wait for the door to open like they are fucking royalty. Believe me when I say, two people can NOT fit comfortably in this doorway.

Scenario 2
(This one is more popular)
There are two people outside the door having a conversation. The second the door opens, one of them tries to wrap up the conversation like the door will never open again. Like it's the last train leaving for Chicago. If you are caught in this, make sure you open the door with you shoulders so that there is no way you get left holding it. Just come out of that locker room like a barrel from Donkey Kong's Adventure and roll your way to the treadmill.

The Scale

The scale will always and forever be my pet peeve because it won't say the number I want it to. It moves way too slow, in the wrong direction, half the time.
Besides the mental issues I have with the scale, here is a common one.
Do you see the picture of the scale I stuck on this blog?
See anything wrong with it?
Do you see it?!
It's water...
Let me help you out by turning the picture sideways.
Someone has taken the time out to draw two eyes and a smile... :D
Thank you, Picasso!
I guess I am different from everyone else but the second I jump out of the pool or shower, the scale is my last stop. If I had to compare this method to something it would be me weighing myself before and after eating a meal. I rather not set myself up for failure...

This has been a Sherri Clayborne public announcement...