Monday, February 27, 2012

The March 2012 Challenge

This is a challenge that I stumbled upon whole surfing You can try it and see what results you manage to achieve! GOOD LUCK!!

March 1: Do 50 jumping jacks
March 2: At least 30 minutes of cardio
March 3: 50 crunches
March 4: Jump rope for at least 15 minutes
March 5: 25 push-ups
March 6: 30 minutes walking
March 7: 20-30 minutes strength training. (Set your own intensity)
March 8: Do a full plank for at least 30 seconds or beginner's plank for 60 seconds (you can youtube or google "plank")
March 9: 5 sets of 10 squats
March 10: 50 Royal Burpees (you can youtube or google this. I promise it's a real thing! lol)
March 11: 20 minutes cycling on highest intensity you can manage
March 12: Eat the rainbow. (Eat healthy foods of all colors, not skittles!!)
March 13: No processed foods
March 14: Burn at least 500 calories
March 15: Take the stairs!
March 16: 20 second wall sit
March 17: Jog in place 15 minutes
March 18: 15 minutes upper body training
March 19: 15 minutes lower body training
March 20: 20 box jumps
March 21: 20 minutes of walking/running intervals. (Or powerwalking for those of us who can't run yet)
March 22: Do a video from
March 23: 40 sit ups, 20 squats, 10 push-ups
March 24: 30 minute walk
March 25: Play a sport for at least 45 minutes
March 26: 15 minutes of Jump Rope
March 27: 10 minutes of abs and 20 minutes cardio of your choice
March 28: Do 1 hour of strength training
March 29: Take a 60 minute cardio class
March 30: 45 minutes of zumba
March 31: Walk a hike/bike trail

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