Sunday, January 1, 2012

January 1, 2012

January 1, 2012

So, the weather has been good to me, why not take a refreshing walk through the Courthouse. So, I'm walking, walking...
Walk a little further...
Speeding walking...
Okay, I see it is time for the Ipod. I have the music jumping and I'm feeling good and... Someone is trying to run me over! Well, I found out that it is only one of my co-workers trying to knock my shoes off my feet... COOL!!
After avoiding my handicapped fate. I continue traveling up the sidewalk. About the time I get to the turn-around spot, I feel a car slowing down. I turn my head and it is these two guys in a SUV.
"Hey, you the girl that work at Wal-mart! Do you need a ride?"
I said no and that I was simply walking.
"Oh, your getting your exercise. I can respect that!"
And they drove off...
Really?!! I should have told them to drop me off at the hospital because once again I have been referred to as, "the girl that works at Wal-mart".
Soon as I recovered from heart failure, I assumed that this day can't get anymore weirder, but NO...wait!!
It does...
As I am walking back, I notice this man sitting on the ground. I wave at him and continue on my way down the road. It wasn't until I saw two cops did I notice that it seems the man fell and was unable to get back up.
Sherri is obviously going to hell when she dies. How was I suppose to know? If he needed help, he should have rolled around on the ground, sent smoke signals, threw a rock at me, or something! Plus, momma told me not to talk to strangers :P
So, I can honestly say that was one of the weirdest and unusual walks I have ever done in the history of walking. In order for me to sit here and write a post about it must have made it EPICALLY different.

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